
  • The objective of the fund is to realize capital and cash profits and pay dividends and cash profits in form of monthly payments by investing in a portfolio of real estate properties within the state of Kuwait, in compliance with the Islamic Shari'ah.


  • Investing the Fund capital in purchasing and developing income generating and non-generating properties. The Fund shall also endeavor to invest in the real estate properties to which value can be added, in accordance with investment policy and risks in compliance with Islamic Shari'ah.


  • Investment in Kuwaiti Dinars.

  • Subscription and redemption are monthly / bi-annually, respectively.

  • Shari'ah-compliant.

  • Historically distributed stable monthly cash returns of up to 5.8 fils per share per month since inception in 2002.

  • Invests in income generating real estate properties within the state of Kuwait.

  • Invested across a diverse real estate portfolio.

  • It has achieved 10.2% CAGR, making it the highest performing funds in its class.

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