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Alaa Yousef Al-Mutairi Wins KD 2 million from Gulf Bank

The youngest winner of the biggest prize in the world. AlDanah Millionaire account holders await the KD 1 million draw on July 18, 2024

  • Mohammad Al-Qattan: AlDanah millionaire account consistently fufills the dreams of customers and plays a role in creating millionaires, motivating customers to save.
  • Salma Al-Hajjaj: The bank's success is based on a wealth of exceptional talents and distinguished human resources
  • We are making significant efforts in empowering women and youth and are focused on developing and enhancing the skills of our employees.
  • Najla Al-Eisa: Our marketing campaigns in 2024, will focus on bringing about change in our services and in the lives of our customers.
  • Sattam Al-Marzouq: The Wealth Management division offers quality services tailored to meet the needs and aspirations of our clients.

In a significant achievement for the renowned AlDanah Millionaire account, Gulf Bank has proudly announced the 21st millionaire in the history of AlDanah Millionaire draws. The lucky winner, Alaa Youssef Adel Al-Mutairi, became the youngest winner of the world's largest prize, valued at an impressive KD 2 million.

Acknowledging that special events require exceptional locations, Gulf Bank selected Al-Shaheed Park for this momentous occasion. With its symbolic significance, and reputation as one of the largest public parks in Kuwait and the region, Al-Shaheed Park proved to be the perfect location for revealing the lucky winner of the world's largest bank account prize, aligning with Gulf Bank's dedication to promoting environmental sustainability.

In the presence of representatives from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Ernst & Young, and amidst the palpable atmosphere of anticipation and excitement among eagerly awaiting AlDanah Millionaire account holders, Gulf Bank revealed the name of the winner. The event was live-streamed on the bank's social media platforms, during which the winner shared feelings of joy and gratitude for the life-changing prize, expressing genuine appreciation to Gulf Bank for this transformative experience.

Digital Services

Addressing the audience at the ceremony, Mr. Mohammad Al-Qattan, the General Manager of Consumer Banking at Gulf Bank, extended his congratulations to Alaa Al-Mutairi, who secured the annual grand prize, becoming the first and youngest winner of the KD 2 million prize.

He emphasized that the AlDanah millionaire account consistently fufills the dreams of customers and plays a role in creating millionaires, encouraging tens of thousands to embrace a savings-oriented mindset.

Furthermore, he noted that individuals who were not fortunate enough to win the KD 2 million prize will have another chance in the semi-annual draw for a KD 1 million prize on July 18, 2024.

Al-Qattan highlighted the remarkable advancements in the bank's services, and the unprecedented progress in its digital transformation journey. This transformative process involved introducing a new version of Gulf Bank's mobile application, and the launch of high-quality products designed to align with customer aspirations.

Emphasizing the continuous success of the bank’s digital transformation journey, Al-Qattan highlighted enhancements in electronic services, branches, ATMs, as well as the Call Center – all aimed at making Gulf Bank's services more accessible, faster, and superior in the banking sector. This endeavor aligns with the bank's 2025 strategy, to position itself as a forward-looking financial institution, harnessing state-of-the-art technology.

He also mentioned that, in addition to service development and ongoing efforts to improve the customer experience, Gulf Bank has introduced a new identity for its branches; emphasizing the concept of self-service. This approach will be progressively rolled out across the current branch network, and the bank has launched its first environmentally friendly branch in the residential area of Sabah Al-Ahmad.

Al-Qattan concluded by affirming the bank's commitment to generous investments aimed at delivering an extraordinary customer experience. This entails concentrating on developing advanced digital capabilities and improving the skills of employees, to ensure banking services that are user-friendly.

Human Resources

Ms. Salma Al-Hajjaj, the General Manager of Human Resources, highlighted Gulf Bank's exceptional workplace environment, positioning it as one of the most attractive talent destinations in the private sector, and underscoring its positive impact on the overall customer experience.

She acknowledged the bank's substantial efforts in empowering women and youth, as well as its continuous commitment to developing and training its employees. This is achieved through collaborations with prestigious international and local institutions, ensuring that staff members acquire the latest expertise and skills essential to keep pace with significant developments in the banking industry, both locally and internationally.

Ms. Al-Hajjaj stressed the economic imperative of empowering women and supporting their career development. She pointed out that companies offering equal opportunities for both genders, often witness increased levels of profitability, productivity, and innovation, leading to positive effects on their reputation and market value.

The Year of Change

Ms. Najla Al-Eisa, Deputy General Manager of Consumer Banking at Gulf Bank's Marketing Department, highlighted that the significant advancement observed in Gulf Bank has further enhanced the customer experience. This improvement is realized through the provision of services characterized by simplicity and innovation; meeting customer aspirations, simplifying their lives, and contributing to sustainable growth.

She further stated, "We have declared 2024 as “Year of Change”, building upon our success from the previous year, in raising awareness about the significance of saving through informative programs and campaigns that encourage customers to save. This resulted in the increase of the grand prize value of the AlDanah Millionaire Draw to KD 2 million.”

Ms. Al-Eisa emphasized that Gulf Bank's campaigns this year will concentrate on instigating change within the bank and in the lives of their customers. She highlighted that the 2024 calendar, themed "Always with You in the Year of Change,” has been structured to assign each month with a specific value related to change, including "Determination," "Self-challenge," "Ambition," "Acquiring New Skills," "Self-confidence," and more.

Wealth Management

Mr. Sattam Al-Marzouq, Assistant General Manager of Consumer Banking at Gulf Bank - Wealth Management, expressed, "Gulf Bank is committed to delivering top-notch services to its Wealth Management clients, tailored to their needs and lifestyle. This commitment aims to attract more high-net-worth individuals seeking distinguished banking services."

He emphasized that as part of the 2025 strategy, the bank is committed to improving and extending services tailored to the needs of its Wealth Management customers. The goal is to streamline their banking operations for greater ease and convenience. Additionally, the bank consistently strives to bolster its relationship with esteemed customers, by continuously exploring and understanding their evolving banking needs and requirements.

Mohammed Taqi: The fastest rewarding program in Kuwait, with a new look and feel

Gulf Bank consistently seeks to reward its customers with the best and fastest rewarding program in Kuwait. In line with the dedication, the bank has introduced the Gulf Bank Rewards Program with a new look and feel, enabling customers to instantly redeem their points through its mobile application.

Neo Account for Kids

As part of the newly introduced offerings in the Year of Change, Mr. Taqi announced the introduction of the “Neo” kids bank account, designed to encourage savings among children. He explained that Gulf Bank is preparing for significant changes in 2024, with some initiatives already underway, and others in the preparation phase, set to be revealed soon.

Mahdi Sulaiman: Promoting Awareness on the Significance of Saving

Mr. Mahdi Sulaiman, Senior Manager of the Marketing Department at Gulf Bank, highlighted the bank's ongoing initiatives to promote financial literacy by educating diverse segments of society about the importance of savings. He emphasized encouraging individuals to boost their savings through savings accounts, highlighting Gulf Bank's notable involvement in supporting the Let's Be Aware “Diraya” campaign. This campaign is overseen by the Central Bank of Kuwait in collaboration with the Kuwait Banking Association.

Nabil Shuail Spotlights Gulf Bank's Digital Advancements

In a distinctive appearance, the renowned Kuwaiti singer Nabil Shuail was featured in a promotional advertisement showcased during the AlDanah Millionaire ceremony, emphasizing the noteworthy advancements observed in Gulf Bank's digital services.

Eman Al-Najm and Ahmed Al-Matari Host AlDanah Millionaire Event

The AlDanah Millionaire event was hosted by the well-known presenter and actress, Eman Al-Najm, alongside Ahmed Al-Matari, Assistant Manager of Human Resources at Gulf Bank.

Collaborating with Calligrapher Shaima Al-Azmi

As part of its commitment to supporting Kuwaiti youth talents and empowering women, Gulf Bank collaborated with calligrapher Shaima Al-Azmi. She inscribed the name of the grand prize winner on the oversized check and wrote the names of attendees who desired a commemorative copy.

Promoting Sustainability Principles

As a part of its dedication to promoting sustainability principles in society, Gulf Bank is committed to using recyclable bags made from materials utilized in outdoor advertising campaigns, for the AlDanah Millionaire account.

Archival Exhibition of AlDanah Millionaires

During the AlDanah ceremony, Gulf Bank organized an archival exhibition showcasing previous AlDanah millionaires, spanning from when the grand prize was KD 1 million to its current value of KD 2 million.

AlDanah Millionaire Earns a Spot in the Guinness Book of Records

For the second time, holding the title of the world's largest cash prize linked to a bank account

Mohammad Al-Qattan: We are proud to announce that the AlDanah Millionaire account has entered the Guinness World Records for the second time, transforming the dreams of our customers into reality.

Guinness: We are delighted to announce that Gulf Bank has broken the previous record by meeting all the necessary requirements.

For the second time in its history, the grand prize of the AlDanah millionaire account has earned a place in the Guinness Book of Records. This recognition marks it as the largest cash prize linked to a bank account worldwide. During the ceremony, Mr. Mohammad Al-Qattan, Consumer Banking General Manager at Gulf Bank, received the award from the Guinness representative.

Expressing pride in this achievement, Al-Qattan stated, "We are honored to be featured in the Guinness Book of Records for the second time. The AlDanah Millionaire draw's top prize was previously recognized in 2016 as the largest reward linked to a bank account globally. This year, it has once again achieved the same prestigious status, transforming the dreams of our customers into reality.

Annual Draws

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the AlDanah millionaire account, Gulf Bank has raised the annual grand prize from KD 1 million to KD 2 million. This account is one of the oldest and most prestigious savings accounts in Kuwait and was designed to encourage a culture of savings in society, and reward customers for their commitment to saving on a regular basis.

Gulf Bank’s AlDanah account offers monthly opportunities to win KD 1,000 to ten lucky winners, in addition to two quarterly draws with KD 100,000 prizes each, a semi-annual draw prize of KD 1 million and a grand draw prize of KD 2 million.

The AlDanah account is open to both Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti residents in Kuwait. A minimum of KD 200 is required to open an account, and the same amount must be maintained for customers to be eligible for the upcoming AlDanah draws. If the customer’s account balance falls below KD 200 at any given time, a KD 2 monthly fee will be charged to the account, until the minimum balance is met. Customers who open an account and/or deposit more will enter the daily draw within two days.

Gulf Bank encourages AlDanah customers to raise their chances of winning by increasing their depositing amount, using the electronic payment service available through the bank's website and mobile application.

Criteria for Guinness World Records Registration

Guinness World Records serves as the ultimate authority in recognizing record-breaking achievements. Established in the early 1950s, Guinness achieved record sales in the United Kingdom with its inaugural version.

With a team of professional experts specially trained to manage records, Guinness World Records conducts thorough research and investigations to validate the authenticity of each record. The organization maintains the highest standards of accuracy and enforces strict policies governing the decision to grant the World Record Award.

All records must adhere to criteria such as measurement, achievement, standardization, verification, uniqueness, and universality. Candidates are required to submit an application with the necessary evidence to demonstrate the accomplishment.

In October 2016, Gulf Bank submitted its application to Guinness World Records for the AlDanah Millionaire Draw Prize. The Guinness Records Management team meticulously examined the application for acceptance. Following this, the Guinness team assessed the application against the specified criteria and confirmed that Gulf Bank's AlDanah Millionaire account holds the record for the largest prize associated with a bank account globally. This outstanding achievement was confirmed once again in 2024, for the second time.

AlDanah Millionaire Documentary

To mark the 25th anniversary of the introduction of the AlDanah Millionaire Account, Gulf Bank has created a documentary chronicling the account's evolution from its inception. The documentary explores how the AlDanah Millionaire Account has positively transformed the lives of numerous individuals and families, propelling them to join the esteemed list of millionaires.

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