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Gulf Bank Establishes Its leadership by Investing in Human Resources

An Exceptional Journey in Recruitment, Training and Development throughout 2022

Salma Al-Hajjaj: We generously invested in human capital, placing it in the forefront of achieving the Bank’s strategic goals

  • The bank has shown great dynamism through responding to the requirements of technological developments and through training human cadres
  • The eighth edition of Ajyal program was launched with a batch of newly appointed trainees
  • Establishing an Employee Experience Unit to create a unique experience that measures job satisfaction levels and linking it to a happy work environment
  • Gulf Bank transferred 311 employees internally to help meet their career aspirations and retain the best talent
  • Gulf Bank participated in many career fairs organized by various universities in Kuwait

In parallel with the digital boom witnessed by Gulf Bank, the Human Resources department achieved great strides in establishing the Bank’s position as the preferred destination for young people entering the workplace. Gulf Bank enhances the efficiency of its employees and helps them develop their career paths through distinguished training programs. These programs are part of Gulf Bank’s 2025 strategy and are line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

General Manager of Human Resources at Gulf Bank, Salma Al-Hajjaj, stated that “Gulf Bank has shown great dynamism in quickly responding to the requirements of technological advancements, aimed at transforming Gulf Bank into an integrated digital bank that meets the aspirations of future generations through setting high standards when selecting new employees; and to continue to provide training, development and education in all stages of their career progression."

Al-Hajjaj also added: "We are proud that Gulf Bank is one of the leading banks that generously invests in human capital to enhance the competencies of its employees, as they remain in the forefront to achieve its strategic objectives. We continue to provide them with the latest expertise and skills necessary to keep pace with the major developments that the banking industry is going through locally and globally."

Al-Hajjaj referred to various achievements, programs and courses organized by the Human Resources Department in 2022, of which include:

Supporting the Youth

A Strategic Banking Partner for NUKS

Appointed as the strategic banking partner of the National Union of Kuwaiti students’ annual conference held in the United States, Gulf Bank provided a package of surprises and gifts to the participating students; especially those who have traveled from across different states to attend the conference. The Bank conducted a draw on travel tickets won by 3 male and 3 female students, and other draws that include many cash prizes; with a grand prize that is equivalent to a year’s worth of accommodation/apartment rent.

The Bank also sponsored the orientation meeting held for high school graduates who have been accepted to study in the United States, which was organized by the National Union in Kuwait.

Partnering with INJAZ

Gulf Bank has renewed its 17-year strategic partnership with INJAZ, Kuwait to support the youth in 2023; who represent one of the main pillars of the Bank’s 2025 strategy and Kuwait’s 2035 Vision.

Distinguished Sponsorship and Participation in University Career Fairs

As part of its continuous efforts to provide job opportunities for young Kuwaiti talents, Gulf Bank had a prominent presence at various career fairs in 2022.

Gulf Bank's Human Resources participations in 2022 included the Platinum sponsorship of the Australian University Career Fair, Kuwait University’s Human Investment and Career Opportunities Forum, Kuwait Technical College Career Fair, and the Diamond sponsorship of Gulf University for Science and Technology’s Career Fair (GUST).

Sponsoring Student Projects at The Australian University Exhibition

Gulf Bank was a platinum sponsor and evaluator in the graduating projects of students at the Australian University Exhibition and awarded four prizes for the most innovative and sustainable project ideas that have a positive environmental impact.

Over 30 projects, by 137 students, were evaluated during the event, and the Innovation team of Gulf Bank interviewed students to help them think of the innovative aspects of their projects and how they can use it to impact sustainability in Kuwait.

An Awareness Seminar on Cybersecurity and Data Science at GUST

HR has conducted an awareness seminar on cybersecurity and data science at Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST), to help and enable students to obtain jobs in the fields of cybersecurity and data science, and to build a diverse and regional talent ecosystem that can address national technology manpower needs.

The Sustainable Internal Mobility Program

HR at Gulf Bank conducted over 311 internal transfers in 2022, with the aim of creating a sustainable internal marketplace and providing career opportunities to Gulf Bank staff to nurture career ambition, retain top talent, and foster diversity and inclusion.

Training Employees

Establishing The Employee Experience Unit

The Employee Experience Unit was established in 2022 to continue creating a unique experience for employees, measuring the level of job satisfaction, and linking it to a happy work environment through Gulf Bank's strategy which include “people” as a primary pillar.

Launching The Eighth Edition of Ajyal

Gulf Bank launched the eighth edition of its Ajyal program, with the inclusion of newly appointed trainees, whose experience have not exceeded 5 years. The bank aimed to hone the employees’ skills to aid in developing their growth professionally and personally.

A Digital Program for Private and Priority Banking Relationship Managers

Gulf Bank, in partnership with the International Fitch Learning Organization, arranged the first accredited digital program for Private and Priority Banking Relationship Managers, where over 30 Relationship Managers from the Bank participated in the three-month virtual program. This is part of the Bank’s continuous efforts to develop the competencies and capabilities of its employees, and to provide a distinguished banking experience for its customers.

The Region's First Strategic Partnership with Switzerland's SparkAdemy

In line with its 2025 strategy, Gulf Bank has partnered with SparkAdemy, the first of its kind in the region, to offer transformative training programs to the corporate world through measurable learning. These programs enable trainees to benefit from the latest developments in scientific research and education and help them upgrade their skills to enhance their career path and to achieve the company's objectives.

Having to conduct rigorous evaluations and interviews of candidates to participate in the program, more than 15 Gulf Bank employees were selected to participate in this transformation program, to stay up to date with the Bank's digital transformation plans.

Professional International Certificates Accredited by The London Institute of Banking and Finance

For the first time in Kuwait’s banking sector, 15 direct sales employees from Gulf Bank received professional, international certifications accredited by the London Institute of Banking and Financial Studies (LIBFS) as part of an intensive training program organized by the Institute of Banking Studies (IBS), in partnership with the London Institute of Banking and Finance (LIBF).

The program aims to train and develop Gulf Bank’s Direct Sales staff on modern trends and knowledge in sales and customer service, by using key tools related to understanding their personal capabilities and customer satisfaction; as well as understanding different customers, their needs and the use of effective communication techniques to improve their levels of satisfaction.

The first Datathon, Hackathon and Data Encryption Technology Training Camp in The Banking Sector

In an effort to bridge the gap between specific technical disciplines and the Bank’s requirements, Gulf Bank has successfully concluded Kuwait’s very first Data Encryption Technology bootcamp. The bootcamp hosted a wide range of young talented Kuwaitis, with a passion for cryptographic technologies.

In addition to the Data Encryption bootcamp, Gulf Bank has launched the first edition of the Hackathon competition, with the participation of 135 professionals and amateurs in the field of programming smart applications, websites, technical solutions related to financial technology (Fintech) and digital banks. The first open Datathon competition was also launched for those interested in data and digital analytics in Kuwait.

Supporting Women Initiatives

On the occasion of International Women's Day, the Human Resources Department organized a workshop entitled "Levelling the Playing Field, Celebrating March 8th", where a number of bank leaders participated and shared their experiences and success stories relevant to women empowerment. The workshop included a panel discussion that covered various topics and issues that affect women in the workplace.

Gulf Bank organized a series of awareness events and presentations for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Bank contracted multiple agreements with hospitals and partners in the medical sector, to provide discounts and exclusive offers targeting women. The offers aim to facilitate women with the opportunity to undergo breast cancer-related examinations for the early detection of breast cancer.

Gulf Bank also organized an outdoor Walkathon event, which witnessed the participation of Bank employees and members of the general public in Al-Shaheed Park. The event hosted an informational session by Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon, Heba AlKhashnam. Awareness brochures were also distributed to participants with the aim of increasing awareness on breast cancer and encouraging women to have a more active role in earlier, pre-diagnosis stages.

Supporting People with Special Needs

As part of its continuous efforts to support people with special needs, Gulf Bank participated in the career fair for people with special needs, meeting with graduates of the “Partners in their Employment” campaign. The career fair gathered fresh graduates from the years 2020/2021 and various entities from the banking sector, who came together to support their employment.

The Year 2022 In Numbers

  • 141 training programs
  • 1,289 trainees
  • 78% national employment rate
  • 309 new employees
  • 37% of youth employees out of the total number of employees in the bank
  • 43.50 % of women employees out of the total number of employees in the bank
  • 28% of women employees in leadership roles

For The First Time

  • The first certified digital program was held for Private and Priority Banking Relationship Managers in partnership with Fitch Learning
  • Gulf Bank signed its first partnership with SparkAdemy in Switzerland – the world's first digital institution in transformative training
  • The Bank witnessed high participation of young people in the region’s first Data Encryption Technology bootcamp
  • The first "Hackathon" for professionals and amateurs was launched focusing on the field of smart application programming
  • The first “Datathon” competition was launched for those interested in digital data and analytics in Kuwait
  • 15 Direct Sales staff members received international professional certifications accredited by the London Institute of Banking and Financial Studies

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