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Gulf Bank Renews Sponsorship of Annual National Union of Kuwaiti Students (NUKS) Orientation for New Students Studying in the US

As part of Gulf Bank's corporate social responsibility commitment to supporting and empowering Kuwaiti youth


Gulf Bank has renewed its sponsorship of the National Union of Kuwaiti Students (NUKS) new student orientation for high school graduates who are planning to study in the United States. This year, Gulf Bank partnered with NUKS as part of its ongoing corporate social responsibility commitment to supporting and empowering Kuwaiti youth.


As part of its sponsorship renewal, Gulf Bank’s Training & Development department offered all student attendees the opportunity to receive a paid internship opportunity in the fields of data science and cyber security. This year’s NUKS orientation event was held on Monday at The Arena in 360 Mall.


Regarding this year’s sponsorship of the NUKS orientation event, Gulf Bank’s General Manager of Human Resources,. Salma Al-Hajjaj, said: “We are incredibly excited to have renewed our partnership with NUKS in sponsoring their annual orientation event, and to have contributed to supporting local talents in acquiring the skills they need in order to succeed in the current job market. Gulf Bank has always been keen to create a workforce that is capable of adding value not only to our work, but to the banking sector as a whole. For this reason, and in support of the national higher education strategy of focusing on majors like cybersecurity and data science, Gulf Bank is keen to offer all student attendees (including those who are majoring in data science and cyber security) a paid internship opportunity that combines practical and theoretical training and offers students hands-on training before college.”


She added: “At Gulf Bank, we firmly believe that sustainability at the human resources level also means supporting and empowering our youth to develop their skills — in fact, this is one of Gulf Bank’s most vital pillars. We would like to wish all our students every bit of success in their upcoming university studies, and we look forward to welcoming them as colleagues at Gulf Bank after graduation.”


It is worth noting that Gulf Bank's booth at the NUKS orientation was host to a multitude of exciting events, including a competition to win cash prizes worth up to KD 3,000 and a MacBook Air from Gulf Bank.

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