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Mrs. Madiha Abdulla Bouftain Announced as Gulf Bank's Al Danah Millionaire Winner for 2014

Kuwait – 13 January 2015:  Gulf Bank announced Mrs. Madiha Abdulla Bouftain as the 2014 Al Danah Millionaire at the climax of an evening of festivity, marked with excitement and anticipation.  Mr. Hassan Ammar Jabr Ejeil  and Mr. Bader Abdulaziz Al-Mutawa were the respective KD 250,000 and KD 50,000 Al Danah winners. The announcement of the winners was made at the Grand Avenue - The Avenues Mall on Thursday, 8th January 2015 in the presence of the Ministry of Commerce.

Two additional raffle draws were held throughout the evening in which the winners were announced live on stage by Mrs. Hadeel Al Fadhli, Senior Manager at Gulf Bank. The first raffle draw included all those who submitted their details on an Al Danah Online-Sign up; 5 winners were selected and each received a KD200 Al Danah voucher. The second raffle draw selected 8 winners from all those who submitted their details on Al Danah vouchers distributed at the Al Danah booth from 4 PM – 6 PM at the Grand Avenue that same evening; they each were then awarded with KD500 Al Danah vouchers.

The Al Danah Millionaire Draw celebration, which was hosted by Mrs. Hadeel Al Fadhli and the guest of honor the renowned actor, Mohammed Al Mansour, began with the largest ever 'flash mob' performance to take place in Kuwait, which featured the Kuwaiti band 'Miami', and centered around the theme of Kuwait's heritage and history, a video of the performance can be viewed on Gulf Bank's Youtube channel; www.youtube.com/GulfBankChannel. The performance surprised the massive audience in attendance and kicked off the festivities in an exciting fashion. Mr. Al-Mansour and Mrs. Al- Fadhli engaged the crowds raising the excitement ahead of the most eagerly anticipated draw event of the year.  Gulf Bank's General Manager of Consumer Banking, Mr. Vikram Issar, Mrs. Salma Al-Hajjaj, General Manager- Human Resources and Mr. Meshari Shehab, Assistant General Manager, Consumer Banking at Gulf Bank along with the Ministry of Commerce Representative joined both Mrs. Al-Fadhli and the special host Mohammed Al-Mansour on stage to do the draw for the KD 1 million.  The winner was caught totally off-guard when she was called via a live telephone connection to tell her the good news to great cheers and applause from the crowds.

An exciting 2015 Al Danah draw line-up was also announced during the evening.   For further information about the Al Danah account and prize draws, visit one of Gulf Bank's 59 branches, call the Customer Contact Center on 1805805, or go online at www.e-gulfbank.com/aldanah.

Mrs. Hadeel Al-Fadhli, Senior Manager, Gulf Bank, Mr. Mohammed Al-Mansour,

Mr. Meshari Al-Shehab, Assistant General Manager, Gulf Bank, Mr. Vikram Issar-

General Manager, Consumer Banking and Mrs. Salma Al-Hajjaj, General Manager,

Human Resources at Gulf Bank

Mrs. Hadeel Al-Fadhli, Senior Manager, Gulf Bank with some of the raffle draw

winners during the event

Part of the massive crowd that attended the Al Danah draw

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