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Gulf Bank team returns after sponsoring the 31st NUKS-US Conference

Kuwait – 10 December 2014: Gulf Bank's team recently returned from the 31stEdition of the National Union of Kuwait Student – United States annual meet up which this year was held from 26 - 29 November 2014, at the Marriot Marquis San Francisco where the Bank was a platinum sponsor.

The conference saw over 3,500 Kuwaiti students enrolledin colleges and universities come to an event that brought them a piece of home away from home. As part of its contribution Gulf Bank sponsoredan Economic Forum, which saw Tareq Al-Saleh AGM Investments Consumer Banking, lead apanel discussion which included Mr. Ali Al-Mousa, Chairman of Commercial Bank, and Kuwait University Professor Anwar Al-Shuraiaan, where they discussed various economic issues and challenges that the students will have to address upon their return to Kuwait. The key message conveyed at the Forum is that the burden of change is placed on the shoulders of the young, energetic, and dynamic Kuwaitis returning to their homeland following several years of study abroad, armed with a new mindset, and empowered with the knowledge acquired to build the Kuwait of tomorrow.

In a video speech aired during the opening ceremony, which was in the presence of the Kuwaiti Minister of Education, Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States, dignitaries, distinguished guests, and students, Mrs. Salma Al-Hajjaj- General Manager Human Resources, congratulated the students wishing them the best in their studies and in their upcoming final exams, and announced that Gulf Bank hasfive  permanent job offersfor the attending students at the conference who were in their last year of university study. Those who pass the interviews and selection,  that were conducted by the Gulf Bank team at the conference will start work in the summer of 2015.

Gulf Bank also held a special AlDanah draw at the conference which saw over 1,400 participating students sign up for the chance to win one of several draw prizes. The prizes included:  KD 2,500 for the first prize, KD 1, 000 for the second prize, KD 500 for the third prize, and eleven KD 200 prizes.

Mr. Tareq Al-Saleh, AGM during the Economic


Gulf Bank's delegation engaging with the event's attendees

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