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Gulf Bank Organizes 'Shape your Future' Workshop for 150 GUST Students

Kuwait, 20 December 2013: As part of its recent Platinum sponsorship of Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST)’s Winter Job Fair, Gulf Bank held a workshop attended by 150 students entitled "Shape your Future". The GUST Winter Job Fair took place on GUST’s campus in Mishref on 11-12 December 2013.

Zeyad Al-Resheed, Executive Manager – Human Resources, Gulf Bank, led the interactive workshop which discussed how students can become better prepared for the job market following graduation. Mr. Al-Resheed took students through the process of how to create a strong resume, the ‘Do’s & Don’ts’ of job interviews, how to manage interviews positively, and the secrets of success in the private sector; all of which were aimed at providing practical ways for graduates to refine their skills and assist them in starting their careers.

The workshop also featured a presentation of a comparative study about employee development and growth in both the private sector and government sectors, highlighting the benefits of working in the private sector and the banking sector in particular. Gulf Bank was used as an example of how the working environment, company values, and the importance of interpersonal skills can help to shape future success.

Gulf Bank is committed to youth development by assisting bright and enthusiastic young students with the necessary knowledge and practical skills for them to succeed in their future careers.

GUST workshop-2013

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