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Gulf Bank Announces Sundus Sulaiman Al-Raqum as the Al Danah KD500,000 Winner in the Third Quarterly Draw

Kuwait – September 28th, 2013:  Gulf Bank announced Sundus Sulaiman Al-Raqum as the Al Danah KD500,000 draw winner of 2013.  Ghadir Abdullah Al-Duwargi was the winner of KD125,000 and Hamidah Abdulredha Kabeli won KD25,000. The draw announcing the winners was the highlight of a special Al Danah event that took place at the Avenues Mall- Dome 1 on 26 September, held under the supervision of a Ministry of Commerce representative and hosted live by celebrity television personality, Aiman El-Kaissouni, from the show 'Super Star' alongside Hadeel Al-Fadhli, Senior Manager, External Relations at Gulf Bank, as co-host.

The event was filled with excitement and included numerous valuable on the spot prizes for the visitors. In addition Gulf Bank held a special competition entitled 'What Would You Do With a million KD"' on its Instagram page (@Gulf_Bank) in which the top ten winners received KD200 in an Al Danah account during the event.

Aiman El-Kaissouni called the winner live during the event to inform her of the news. Reacting upon hearing she had just won KD500,000, Sundus Sulaiman Al-Raqum said: "I would like to thank Gulf Bank for having this prize draw and  turning my dream into reality and I would like to encourage everyone to invest in this account. I personally treat Al Danah as a savings account, and always thought it would be nice to win. This proves to me that everyone stands a fair chance to win"

Gulf Bank reminded all its Al Danah customers to increase their deposits and prospective customers to open an Al Danah account by 31 October to enhance their chances of winning one of the major cash prizes in the next Al Danah Quarterly draw which will be held on 9 January 2014 for draw prizes of 1 Million Dinars, KD250,000, and KD50,000. To be part of the Al Danah draws, customers can visit one of Gulf Bank's 56 branches, transfer on line, or call the Customer Contact Center on 1805805 for assistance and guidance. Customers can also log on to www.e-gulfbank.com/aldanahwinners, to find out more about Al Danah and who the winners are.

Guest host Aiman El-Kaissouni and Hadeel Al-Fadhli, Senior Manager,

External Relations at Gulf Bank calling the winner to notify her of her


Al-Danah- Q3 winner 2013-sitting

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