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Gulf Bank 'Pay it Forward' Initiative Makes a Difference to over 1200

Kuwait, 22 August 2013:  The Human Resources (HR) department at Gulf Bank recently rolled out a humanitarian initiative entitled 'Pay it Forward' to encourage the Bank's employees to 'be the change' and give back to the community by supporting the underprivileged.  The initiative that lasts through to December 2013 was launched as part of the Bank's Ramadan corporate social responsibility strategy of reaching out to the less fortunate in the community to give them a helping hand.

The HR department distributed 1,700 free meal vouchers from Kurdo Restaurant to employees, asking them to give the vouchers to someone they felt was in need or less fortunate in the community.  Over 1,200 vouchers have been used to date.  Recipients of the vouchers expressed their appreciation to the Bank.

Gulf Bank will continue its commitment to being a key player in Kuwait's social fabric by supporting community orientated activities throughout the year, reiterating the Bank's commitment to Kuwait's society as a whole.

Highlights of Gulf Bank's 'Pay it Forward' initiative

which encouraged its employees to be the change

by handing out free meal vouchers to those in need.

pay it forward-ramadan 2013

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