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Gulf Bank Concludes its Platinum Sponsorship of the GUST Spring Job Fair

Kuwait - 13 May 2013: Gulf Bank hailed the success of its platinum sponsorship of the Gulf University of Science and Technology (GUST) Spring Job Fair. The Job Fair took place at GUST's Main Hall at its campus in Mishref whereby 35 companies participated.

Gulf Bank's participation provided students with information about the Bank, and discussions about future employment opportunities for GUST students, expected graduates, and alumni seeking part-time and internship opportunities.  During the event, Salma Al Hajjaj, Gulf Bank's General Manager of Human Resources presented a special one hour motivational speech entitled 'Be the Change' in the University's auditorium, which was attended by over 120 students.

Gulf Bank created an internship competition during the Job Fair to promote its internship program to prospective candidates. The winner of the competition received a customized internship with Gulf Bank that focuses on their interests and future goals with the Bank. In addition Gulf Bank's team engaged with attendees and students by conducting a fun Treasure Hunt, wherein the best and fastest team of 2 contestants won a mini iPad each.

Gulf Bank's sponsorship of GUST's Job Fair, is in-line with the Bank's corporate social responsibility strategy that aims to support youth development.

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