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Gulf Bank Employees Offered Free Health Check-ups To Mark 'World Health Day'

Kuwait –24 April 2013: Gulf Bank offered all its employees free general health checkups as part of its recent 'World Heath Day' program, in collaboration with the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) Ahmadi Hospital. The checkups were conducted by a specialist medical team from Ahmadi Hospital at the Bank's main headquarters and the Al Saleh building. The checkups involved tests relating to general health, including blood sugar level, blood pressure, body mass index (BMI) value and osteoporosis testing.

Ms. Salma Al Hajjaj, General Manager of Human Resources at Gulf Bank said: "I would like to thank the Ahmadi hospital staff who kindly made themselves available over the two days.  'World Health Day' is a day to celebrate good health and to remind, encourage and motivate people to obtain general check-ups and screenings that can help early detection of the many common diseases and illnesses.  Our aim was to deliver this message to our employees and help them understand the potential long-term benefits of having medical check-ups on a regular basis".

As a socially responsible leading financial institution, Gulf Bank will continue to present its employees with initiatives that promote a healthy life style.

Health @ KOC b- April 2013

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