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Canadian Commercial Circle holds the Tax and Investment Planning Event for Canadian Expats

Kuwait-February 2nd, 2012: The Canadian Commercial Circle (CCC) organized an event titled "Tax and Investment Planning" for Canadian Expats in Kuwait. The event took place at The Marina Hotel on January 31st 2012 and was sponsored by Gulf Bank.

Guests were welcomed by Mr. Basil Toutoungi, President of the CCC and General Manager of Al Kout Industrial Projects Company, and the evening's proceedings were hosted by Mr. Robert Drolet, Senior Vice President at KIPCO (Kuwait Projects Company) and Vice President of the CCC. The event attracted an interested audience of 125 members and guests and featured presentations from Mr. Wayne Bewick of Trowbridge Professional Corporation (Vancouver, Canada) on Canadian tax rules and their impact on Canadian expats in Kuwait, Mr. Neil Korzack, Vice President and Portfolio Manager at RBC Dominion Securities (Toronto, Canada) who provided information on the fundamentals of financial planning and risk management, and Mr. Ashley Meier, of Redev Properties (Calgary, Canada) who explained the opportunities available in Canadian commercial real estate

Basil Toutoungi said: "On behalf of CCC I would like to thank Gulf Bank, The Marina Hotel and the evening's speakers for sponsoring this event and helping us to highlight the tax rules and the investment opportunities existing in Canada for Canadian expats in Kuwait.  Our aim was to introduce CCC members and their guests to the basics of financial planning and risk management, diversification and the various instruments that can be used to optimize the risk return profile of a portfolio.  Tonight's presentations have certainly helped to achieve this and we thank Canadians in Kuwait, the social organization for Canadian expats (www.cikq8.com) for their assistance in promoting this event amongst its members."

The Canadian Commercial Circle (CCC) is the business network for Canadians in Kuwait and catalyst for increased commercial relations between Canada and Kuwait.  The CCC's main aim is to focus on the business needs of expatriates.  The CCC holds monthly events of interest to Canadian business people and others interested in Canada.  To learn more about the CCC's functions and get an update of any upcoming events, visit their website www.ccckw.com.

Mr. Basil Toutoungi, President of the CCC,                                                                                       Mr. Ashley Meier, of Redev Properties, speaking

welcoming the participants to the event"                                                                                            during the event

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