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An exciting start to 2012 with Gulf Bank's Al Danah draw line up

Kuwait-18 January 2012:  Gulf Bank unveiled today the 2012 prize draw schedule for Al Danah. The Bank's popular Al Danah account provides all its account holders with the opportunity to enter the annual draw to win the grand cash prize of 1 million Kuwaiti Dinars, as well as opportunities to win quarterly draw prizes for KD125,000, KD250,000, and KD500,000, including weekly draws of KD 1,000 each for ten winners,  As an added incentive for all existing Al Danah account holders, the Bank has carried forward all chances accumulated from 2011 into 2012.

Aly Shalaby, Gulf Bank's General Manager, Consumer Banking Group commented: "The Al Danah account prize draws are extremely popular with our customers especially that the cash prize is directly deposited into customers' accounts within two business days. We encourage new and existing customers to increase and maintain the deposits in their accounts in order to enhance their chances of winning. Gulf Bank is proud to offer our customers such a great opportunity as part of our commitment to providing the very best banking services and promotions."

Every Al Danah account holder with a minimum of KD200 maintained in their account is eligible and automatically entered into the Al Danah draws. Conditions of opening an Al Danah account are very simple as no salary transfer is required. Minors require their parents or their legal guardian to open the account on their behalf.

The first Al Danah weekly draw of KD1,000 for ten winners took place on Sunday,  8th January 2012 and continues every consecutive Sunday thereafter.  The first quarterly draw, with a prize of KD125,000, will be held on Monday, 30th April 2012, the second quarterly draw, which will be for KD250,000, will be held on Wednesday,  4th July 2012, the third quarterly draw for KD500,000 will be held on Sunday, 30th September 2012. The final draw of 2012, for a grand prize of 1 million Kuwaiti Dinars will be held on Thursday, 10th January 2013.

Aly Shalaby, General Manager, Consumer Banking

Group at Gulf Bank

Shalaby-Dec 2011-eng

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