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Gulf Bank Sponsors Kuwait University's Political Science Graduation Ceremony

Kuwait " 5  October 2009: Gulf Bank recently sponsored Kuwait University's Political Science graduation ceremony held at the Sheraton Hotel on 30th September 2009.

Through the first speech of the evening, the Dean of Kuwait University, Abdel Reda Asseri welcomed all the attendees and introduced the host of the event H.E. Ambassador Abdul-Aziz Al Sharekh who also gave a speech to the graduates. Salah Al-Mulla, Member of Parliament was also called up on stage to provide the third speech of the evening. The Head of the Political Science department, Ibrahim Al Hadban, along with other faculty members, also attended the event to recognize student achievements. The Professors of the Political Science Department were also acknowledged for their accomplishments as well as Gulf Bank for making this event possible.

Gulf Bank took the opportunity to provide some of its latest products and services to the graduates. The Bank offers young professionals a range of banking services that are specifically designed to assist them as they enter the working arena.

The new recruit's package for example, offers a "No Fee Banking" service designed to reduce initial banking costs for new recruits. The package is available to fresh graduates as soon as they start their first job and start transferring their salaries to Gulf Bank. This not only exempts graduates from transaction related charges on their accounts, it also provides them with a range of additional products and services.  This package has been tailored to help them through the important and often costly, transition from students to employees.

Aly Shalaby, Gulf Bank's General Manager of Retail Banking said, "There are so many challenges facing our young people as they start their careers.  We aim to deliver the best banking solutions for university graduates that will help them focus on their careers, knowing that their savings are well looked after."

Sponsoring events such as these, reinforces Gulf Bank's commitment towards Kuwaiti youth, working closely with them to encourage education and employment and development for a better and more prosperous Kuwait.

ku poli sci

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