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Gulf Bank Sponsors Kuwait University's Medical Association

Kuwait " 21 October, 2009: Gulf Bank sponsored a ceremony honoring students at the Kuwait Medical Students Association. The event, which took place on 17 October, was held at the Health Sciences Center where 230 excelling students were honored.

This sponsorship follows Gulf Bank's earlier initiatives when the Bank refurbished the examination and reading rooms at Kuwait University's College of Medicine, as part of the Bank's community program to support young Kuwaiti students. Gulf Bank also recently sponsored the acceptance of Kuwait University's Medical students in the new academic year on August 19, 2009, marking its commitment to education.

Under the patronage of the Minister of Health, the event included speeches by: Dr. Rashed Al-Rushoud's on behalf of the Minister of Health, Dr.  Hilal Al Sayer, followed by Professor Fouad Hasan Ali, the Dean of Kuwait University's College of Medicine and concluded with a speech by the President of Kuwait's Medical Student Association, Mansour Sadeqi.

Gulf Bank's Corporate Social Responsibility focuses on the education, development and employment of Kuwaiti nationals for a better and more prosperous Kuwait.

KUMA-honor students Oct09

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