Gulf Bank KOC Branch Reveals the Third Draw Winner
Kuwait, August 10, 2008: Gulf Bank has announced the winner of its third prize draw for 2008 at the KOC branch. The successful customer to win the KD 5000 was Ms. Huda Ali Haidar Ashkanani.
Ms. Ashkanani was presented with her cheque by Gulf Bank's KOC Branch, Mr. Mark Abi Karam.
The KOC Branch Customer Draw has been a great success for Gulf Bank so far this year and throughout the past two years. The draw is open to all KOC employees who bank with Gulf Bank and reinforces the importance of Gulf Bank's relationship with KOC.
On winning the KD 5000, Ms. Ashkanani said, "I would like to thank Gulf Bank for this amazing prize and for the excellent service the bank provides me at the KOC branch. It is especially wonderful to have a convenient branch for me to bank at and yet have this great opportunity to winning this outstanding prize."